What Doesn’t Make The Cut

What Doesn’t Make the Cut is a striking exploration of the toxic pressures from social media experienced by young people.

Told through the interplay of 6 central characters, the piece presents the anguish of making choices to ‘fit in’, and the parts of ourselves we keep hidden to do so.

Written and created by young female dancers aged between 12 and 21, the show challenges their relationship with social media. It will also have you questioning the honesty of your own profile that you share with the world online.

Interested in bringing this dance film to your venue?

how we made the work

What Doesn’t Make the Cut focuses on 6 main characters and explores the version of themselves which they share on their social media feed vs the parts of themselves they keep hidden.  

The members of the cast contributed to the development of our characters, the content of the spoken word and the authentic representation of social media interactions that shape the narrative of the show.

We worked with Thirty10 Arts to create original visuals that featured all our dancers in the show. This provided young female dancers with the experience of being on a film set.

Watch the trailer

"A dynamic and powerful portrait of the impact that social media can have on young women. Every young person, their parents and teachers should see this show!"

— South East Dance


Ruby Hall
Josie Sayers
Mia Faulkner
LIly Hoggarth
Lilah Vamvass
Jasmine Belcher
Lauren Sayers
Delilah Banks
Kenzie Dickinson

Bella Beecham
Lucia Daly
Naima Dali
Hannah Newman
Cassidy Banks
Violet Aitchinson
Elena Wates
Rhiannon Rolf


Choreographer: Ellie Bishop-Williams

Creative Producer: Pip Sayers

Visual Media: Thirty10 Arts