unheard voices

“It’s a challenge to fit it in, in a crowd of people who don’t understand you, who have never been in your position before.”

We worked with a small group of our dancers to create a dance film exploring who they are and how their ethnicity has shaped their lives.

how we made the work

We asked our dancers a broad set of open questions which explored  racial differences. They discussed their feelings of belonging and identity and the influence of ethnicity.

Dancers' voices recorded their answers. We supported them to share only what they were comfortable with and to keep themselves safe.

We worked with Project Female collaborator Pearl Mayaki to help facilitate these conversations and choreograph the piece.

interested in screening this film?

watch the film


Ruby Hall
Mimi Edge
India Hurley
Amelie Hurley

Mia Faulkner
Laila Edwards
Ella-May Smith


Assistant Choreographer: Pearl Mayaki

Filming/ editing: Ellie Bishop-Williams