Baby Steps
Baby Steps refers to breaking down the day into small achievable goals. It acknowledges the debilitating impact that social anxiety can have on young women and girls moving through their everyday lives. It considers how different moments in time can alter the path we travel on each day.
how we made the work
Our young dancers described social anxiety as something that affects people in different ways. It can seem hidden but sometimes gets the better of you despite your best efforts. It can happen somewhere new, at a social event, in pressured environments or when you are talking to someone you don’t know well - but it doesn’t always happen when you might expect it to. Social anxiety is often invalidated and people can feel isolated by their friends.
"It is not that you don’t want to do things - it is just that you can’t".
Our young women call for social action that would result in significant change:
More help for those not diagnosed with a mental health condition
Check ins/more support from school
Educating others about what it it
Providing information about coping mechanisms
Babysteps was developed in response to this call to action. It was part of a research project funded by Arts Council England and UKYouth and lead by Project Female.
The project also aimed to understand how young people respond to screendance as a genre. Whether screendance holds their attention and which features they identified as being most engaging. We collated their reactions to a selected set of screendance examples and used their thoughts and opinions to determine the direction and content choices for our short dance film.
watch the film
Nina Swann
Emily Piddlesden
Esme Sutton
Lily Hoggarth
Lauren Sayers
Josie Sayers
Izzy Easton
Sophie Spencer
Director: Ellie Bishop-Williasm/ Project Female Dancers
Choreography: Ellie Bishop-WIlliams/ Project Female Dancers
Producer: Pip Sayers
Videography/Editing: Alice Underwood
Soundtrack: Ellie Bishop-Williams
Costumes: Pip Sayers
With special thanks to Giita Wigro